Join our family
Contemporary Western culture is reforming our society by making individualism, withdrawal, and self-preservation the standard principles for personal identity. In sharp contrast, the Bible teaches that each of God’s people are individually members of one another, just as our bodies are made up of various limbs and organs: “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another” (Rom. 12:4–5). At Garwood church, covenant membership is how we grow in this spiritual reality and commit to family. The process is outlined below:

Get to know us
Our new members’ seminar is the place to learn about our church’s beliefs, purpose, vision, and mission. The seminar includes a 1 hr online recording to watch at home and a 2-hour class in person, which includes childcare upon registration below. Ordinarily, classes take place in the fall and spring.

After attending our new members' seminar, we will schedule a one-on-one conversation with one of our Elders. In this friendly chat, we'll discuss your personal faith journey (your testimony), your grasp of the Gospel, and learn more about your family.
Let us get to know you

Join our family!
After you've taken some time to pray and received our answers to your questions, we will designate a Sunday to warmly greet our new covenant members. This day is eagerly anticipated and brings immense happiness to our community!
Our commitment as a family
Vows of Membership
1. Do you acknowledge yourselves to be sinners in the sight of God and without hope for your salvation except in His sovereign mercy?
2. Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of sinners, and do you receive and depend upon Him alone for your salvation as He is offered in the Gospel?
These first two questions simply declare your belief in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Faith in Christ is the starting point for membership in any Christian church.
3. Do you now promise and resolve, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as followers of Christ?
4. Do you promise to serve Christ in His Church by supporting and participating with the congregation in its service of God and its ministry to others to the best of your ability?
Questions 3 and 4 are commitments to your desire to live your life as a follower of Jesus. Question 3 relates more to your Christian life in general, while Question 4 specifically talks about your commitment to serve the particular church body you are joining and to do all you can to help God's people in that church grow in Christ.
5. Do you submit yourself to the government and discipline of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and to the spiritual oversight of this Church Session, and do you promise to promote the unity, purity, and peace of the church?
Question 5 declares your willingness to come under the spiritual leadership of the church and your vow to do everything you can to maintain the peace and prosperity of the congregation. To learn more about the leadership of our church, check out this page. To learn more about our denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, click here.