God has called us into Gospel partnership.
When you give financially, you are entering into partnership with God’s heart for His church and the great need for Gospel proclamation across the globe. Your generosity has eternal impact.
In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now
Philippians 1:4-5
Designate Your Giving
At Garwood church, we are committed to financial transparency and stewardship, ensuring that every contribution supports our mission and ministries directly. We invite our covenant members and generous donors to designate their giving to specific funds, each with a distinct purpose in aligning with our church's mission and vision. Your generous donations can be directed to one of the three key funds: the General Fund, Missions Fund, or Deacons Fund.
>>Donations to any of these funds are tax-deductible and may be given through Sunday offerings or online giving.
Be sure to indicate, “Missions Fund”,“Deacon Fund”, or “General Fund” so it is clear how you would like your contribution to be used.<<
The General Fund supports our ministry and operations. Contributions to the General Fund are crucial as they facilitate the day-to-day running of our church, including maintaining our building, paying staff salaries, and funding various ministries that serve our community. From children's and youth programs to worship services and community outreach, the General Fund enables us to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all who come through our doors.
The Missions Fund is separate from our General Fund and is designated to support our missionaries and other missions projects.
Our missionary partners are actively engaged both globally, in regions such as Central Asia and the Middle East, and locally, within communities such as Paterson and New Brunswick, New Jersey. This fund is dedicated to ensuring they receive the support necessary to continue their invaluable work in these diverse settings.
The Deacon Fund is specifically designated for the church's mercy ministries, embodying the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. This fund supports various benevolent activities, including our meal ministry for those in need, financial assistance for individuals and families facing hardships, and other acts of kindness and support that demonstrate God's love and care.