In 1898, a children’s Sunday school class began meeting at a local store on Center Street, in the area now known as Garwood, NJ. Led by the Spirit of God, this small group of believers purchased a plot of land on Spruce avenue with a vision to reach people for Christ and build a Gospel-centered church in the surrounding areas of Cranford and Westfield.
Through tireless prayer and work of these men and women, our church came officially into existence in 1906, with the dedication of the sanctuary and with the support of Cranford Presbyterian Church.
During these early days, the Spirit of God blessed our church and Garwood Church reported numerous healings, miracles, salvations, congregants, and incredible provision. God blessed us with wonderful pastors, dedicated to the preaching of God’s Word, and God’s people. As the town grew, so did our church. By the 1950s, Garwood church was known for its popular children’s program, home bible studies, and vacation Bible school. Missionaries from all over were blessed by the prayers and financial support from our church.
A new season of revitalization
As times changed, Garwoord remained resolute in their mission for Christ. In the 90s and 2000s the church gave over $185,000 towards missionary work across the globe. Despite facing challenges in the changing religious landscape, which all established churches were facing, God continued to bless Garwood with mature and devout believers, who were compelled to continue its legacy into the new modern world. Today, the Lord is revitalizing our vision for ministry through the tireless work of new leadership called to equip disciples who abide in Christ and multiply, for the glory of God. We are grateful to God for who we are today. Our church is Gospel-centered, reformed, missional, and community focused. Our prayer is that God may continue to receive all our praise, as we make Christ the center of all things.